NAVIGGO GROUP was founded in 2003 in Prague, in the heart of Europe, as a family company focusing on the import and distribution of goods in the Czech and Slovak Republics.
O nás

Since its foundation in 2003, the company has undergone dynamic development and gradually developed into a major global FMCG distributor of beer, alcohol and consumer goods.
The main key to our success is a clear orientation to the customer's needs, highly professional customer service, flexible logistics and a wide portfolio of offered products with a maximum expiration date at attractive prices.
After 20 years of intensive development, today we deliver soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee and tea, confectionery, cleaning products, cosmetics, beer and spirits across continents to more than 40 countries around the world and are among the important suppliers of FMCG assortment in the CEE region.
Our clients are both major retail chains operating in the CEE region, as well as wholesale organizations, smaller local stores and E-commerce platforms. We are open to any new serious business cooperation.
Over the past 20 years, we have managed to build a reputation around the world as a serious and honest partner in the field of fast-moving goods. Thanks to the wide network of our business contacts, we are able to deliver goods at attractive prices across continents today.
We are among the largest exporters of renowned Czech beer and can thus proudly represent the Czech Republic in the world.

Opíráme se o silné finanční zázemí a dynamický růst naší firmy. Nákup a prodej jsou jádrem našeho podnikání. To, co nás opravdu odlišuje, je ale kvalita našich služeb.
Náš přístup, který zahrnuje špičkový servis nejen před, ale i po každém uzavřeném obchodním případu posiluje vztahy s klienty a vytváří dlouhodobá partnerství založená na důvěře a profesionálních znalostech. Naše oddanost, závazek a osobní péče nás činí jedinečnými. Z našich kanceláří v Praze aktivně vyhledáváme nové příležitosti na globálních trzích a snažíme se stát vaším klíčovým obchodním partnerem.
A wide selection of world brands
Modern warehouse facilities
Only original goods with EU origin
Attractive prices
Fast order processing
Professional customer service
Fast delivery of goods "to the door" of the customer
Convenient geographical location in the center of Europe
Flexible logistics at attractive prices
Labeling and consolidation of goods according to the customer's wishes
Manual loading of goods for maximum transport efficiency
Fresh goods with a maximum expiration date
Thanks to the unique location of our warehouse near the Prague International Airport, we can offer delivery of shipments at favorable prices, both by road and by sea or by air to all parts of the world. In cooperation with a professional customs agency, we provide our clients with comprehensive customs and declaration services that ensure smooth delivery of their shipments all over the world.
Pallet locations for standard goods
Pallet locations for standard goods